Monday, June 17, 2013

Photojournalism and Bias

"Going Home" Photo by, Ed Clark

Depth of field: There is very little depth in this picture. It is putting the main focus on the Navy shipman not allowing us to really see what is actually going on around him. It leaves us wondering why are his tears falling from his face.

Subject's Expression: The main subjects face in this photo shows him overwhelmed with emotion. His eyes are filled with tears and you can see the pain that is deep in his heart.

Obvious main subject: The close up shot of the Navy man is very obvious to what the photographer wanted to make the main subject of the photo.

     Seeing the Navy man in this photo brings instant curiosity to me. Without reading the article this picture comes from, I would have never known why he is crying or even had a real clue. I had many different thoughts until I did. read the article. When I first saw the photo my attention actually went to the people around him looking for clues to why he was crying. Looking at the faces around him they all look like they are mostly disgusted or find something wrong with him playing the accordion. So to finally find out why he is playing I was shocked.

                                                                 Photo by, Jorg Badura

 What feelings does this image create: This image brings me joy. The warm colors in the background, with the nice dark cool water. The body language of the people jumping, just gives me an overwhelming feeling of freedom.

Keep it simple: The image is a very simple photo with 3 people standing on a plane in the water getting ready to jump off into the water.

Quality of light: I feel the lack of light in this photo is what makes the photo. The light that is being used is the orange sky in the background which is acting like a backdrop for the dark people photographed.

I feel this image to be true because of the Emotion it brings over me. Like Professor Nordell talked about taking pictures with different style lens to create depth. I feel here the photographer used a wide angle so we can see what is around the plane. I feel in this photo by it showing depth it gives a more impact to freedom. This photo was taken at a low level to make it seem like your really in the photo. Professor Nordell stated in his lecture that he stood on a ladder to take a photo to create an image. I feel here the photographer allowed us into the photo more by the positioning also.

Photo by, Unknown

Depth of field: Here the depth of field is lacking. You can not see anything else around the two men other than what the photographer wants us to see. It lacks the ability for us to truly see what is going on.

Color of image: The photo is taking in black and white. To me if this was an actually fight I would think that the photographer would want it in color to capture any bloodshed etc. The black and white choice here makes it seem to me like it is more artsy then anything real.

In or out of focus: The main subjects are brought into good focus but the surrounding objects are all out of focus bringing the attention right back onto the two men fighting.

I feel the biggest thing for me that brings no truth to this photo is the choice between color or black and white. I fee by this being shot in b/w it becomes more of an artsy photo verses being a true fight scene. The other part that makes me feel the lack of truth is the depth the photographer chose. Professor Nordell spoke about lens choice in his lecture video and how you could make the surroundings disappear by choosing to take the depth away. It is compared to nurses on strike photo of the 3 woman standing there with the up-close shot. It made it seem like they were the only ones there. Just like in this photo the main capture is the two men without truly seeing what is going on around them. I think logically about this photo also, meaning there doesn't seem to be much reaction of fright for the others around, I feel if this was a true fight we would see a lot more reaction from the others we can see around them.

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