Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ethics and photojournalism...

In March 2010 after the aftermath of Haiti’s earthquake a 15 year-old girl, Fabienne Geismar was shot in the head by a police officer after people began looting the area. Paul Hansen and Nathan Weber were two of photojournalist there to capture the images.

Photo (left) by, Unknown - source

The “pictures of the teenager show her slumped face down over one of the paintings and a trail of blood seeping from the wound.” –  (TheGuardian). She is wearing a little pink outfit face down in the dirt with 3 paintings that she took. In one of the photos you can actually see other looters in the background and evidence of the earthquake from the rubble that is scattered everywhere.

Photo by, Paul Hansen (2010) - source

According to (Source), Hansen discussed the image and circumstances of Fabienne’s death stating, “For me, Fabienne’s death and her story is a poignant reminder of the need for a society to have basic security – with or without a disaster.”

Photo by, Unknown - source

Photo by, Nathan Weber (2010) - source

When I look at the images that were taken that day I honestly get confused reactions on the images. Yes I agree with Hansen that it’s a reminder that society needs a basic security, but I feel there are other images that could show a need for security also. I couldn’t see another human being lying in a pool of blood and not try to do something. Even if she was dead already I couldn’t leave a little girl lying face down in the dirt. I can’t believe someone didn’t have the decency to cover her up so she didn’t become a “photo Shoot”. 

Attached below are two related links to the Earthquake in Haiti
Video 1
Video 2

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